Sprinkle Sparkle Bouquet

Sprinkle Sparkle Bouquet
Sprinkle Sparkle Bouquet
Sprinkle Sparkle Bouquet
Sprinkle Sparkle Bouquet
Bouquet Size

Brighten your Christmas with a bouquet of vibrant red roses and winter greens, beautifully arranged in a hand-painted ceramic ornament jar with sparkling stars. It's perfect for holding wrapped candies and holiday treats afterward!

Teleflora's Sprinkle Sparkle Bouquet features red roses, miniature red carnations, and white button spray chrysanthemums. Enhanced with cedar, white pine, seeded eucalyptus, dusty miller, and parvifolia eucalyptus, it's presented in Teleflora's Sprinkle Sparkle Ornament, adding seasonal elegance to any celebration.
  • Orientation: All-Around

Second Choice Option

MAKE A SECOND CHOICE Please try to choose a second choice item that is the same price. You will be able to type the name into the box labeled Comments or Instructions, under the final portion of your order titled Delivery Details. This will allow us to go forward with your order without having to contact you with questions or choices.

Substitution Policy

We are committed to delivering your floral designs on time and as fresh and beautiful as possible. Because of the nature, seasonality, and regional availability of flowers it is sometimes necessary to make substitutions of equal or greater value. We will make every effort to maintain the "look and feel" of the arrangement by considering the overall shape, size, style, and color combinations available at the time of your order.